Reducing your risk of Breast Cancer

There are many ways to reduce your risk of breast cancer.  We now know that various risk factors for all types of cancer are avoidable, especially the dietary and lifestyle ones.  Here is a check list for you, especially if you have a family history of cancer.

  • Probiotics are so important to many aspects of health and a good balance of gut bacteria can help to prevent many diseases.  For the most accurate assessment of your gut flora, to detect both good and bad bacteria, parasites, pH balance etc., I recommend a stool analysis.  Ask me about it during your next consultation.  Continue reading

Breast Cancer Risk Factors

There are many risk factors for breast cancer and many of these we can change through diet and lifestyle.  In this blog I’m going to outline those risk factors, and for further information, see my next blog “Reducing your risk of breast cancer”.  Many of these are risk factors for other cancers as well.

  • Alcohol use.  Alcohol is a carcinogen that is metabolised into to other carcinogens.  So alcohol used puts you at a higher risk for all cancers.  The more you drink, the higher your risk. Continue reading